Pinkydj In My Head...

Live in New York. Play lots of tennis. Rollerblade in my apartment as well as everywhere else.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'll keep you my dirty little secret

bc told me a dirty little secret... and told me not to share it with anyone else- i'm very good at keeping secrets so i will not let anyone in on the fact that bc thinks, T H I N K S, that he could possibly, P O S S I B L Y, have feelings for me... as in love feelings. WOW. that is the wildest thing i have ever heard. we've been seeing each other for almost 6 months now and have been in contact for longer. he's very angry that he is feeling this way. it's too soon, he says. it should take a long time, idiot says. oh? how long should it take? 1 year. that was what he told me on monday night. LAST NIGHT he said the same things to me except this time he said 9 months. i'm waiting for the same spiel tonight and for the amount of time to go down to 6 months and TADA! he will be able to be okay with the fact that i am lovable, to him and to all. oh, how tough it must be for bc to realize that he is with a person that can make him laugh out loud, can HEAT up food like wolfgang puck, can turn him on just by looking at him, can listen to him when he needs a sympathetic ear, has the greatest tits this side of the mississippi... must really suck to have feelings for someone like that.

i have feelings for bc as well. i just have to sort them out in my head. one day they're stronger than the last, then less than the day before. maybe we both have some thinking to do.

now i'm thinking bc lurrrrrves me.
and now i'm thinking my hair is so soft...


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