BODY HURTING... cry for me, come on and cry for me (Christmas Story reference) my ass hurts, my back hurts and my wrist and right ring finger...oh my!
So, a little description of me- short, muscular, size 2, dark hair, dark eyes- coming to terms with the way i look- it's ok that i won't have a little boy's body- but who wants that anyway, right? crazy people (me) and so we just work with what we have.
TENNIS- right. ok, so it is my obsession (not hobby- because hobbies are things you do sanely right?) yeah, no, not me- i cannot have hobbies because i never do anything calmly, peacefully and enjoy it. NO...i must be the best, fastest, strongest and then i can obsess over it...because to me, i can never be the best, fastest, and strongest- there will always be someone better than you on that court- unless you are hitting against a wall and that is just sad (sure i'd do it!)
i also figured that i could meet some really cute guys playing and so far all that's come out of it is some sex, free lessons, free classes & great girlfriends- ok, i must admit that i am lucky for that but then i also get to deal with the dirty perverts, the nasty, jealous bitches, and horrible players that belong far away from me because i will kill them because they are ruining my time on the court. and i also figure that no one would be into me after seeing me on the court- i am loud, rude, obnoxious and way too energetic- but i am a cheerleader too (cheering on my friends and others to make them feel better and i think it is also because i can't shut up) (oh, you got that part already?)
ROLLERBLADING- FUN FUN FUN. work those legs and ass GIRL! quicker than walking & a lot easier than running- you sail through the world and you get to whereever you need to go QUICKLY- that's new york for you- always in a hurry- i like it when people smile at me- that's ok- but then i don't understand the ones that glare (mostly women- chalk it up to JEALOUSY) MAN am i narssacistic or what? whatever, i try not to care what people think but that's my bag and i need a new one (literally- my backpack STINKS like sweat & sunscreen) OH YEAH AND WATCH OUT FOR ME CAUSE I WILL TRY OUT FOR gothamgirls! (rollerderby)
BOYS- uggh whatever men- as i am now suppose to be into "men" as i am a woman- please, i'll always be a girl. anyway, when do they become men? i would love to know because all i have dealt with are boys- dirty, one track minded boys. i was asked yesterday by one of my tennis instructors (we will initial names BTW- D) well D asked if i got my breasts done- GOD, what an idiot- yes, D, i got my boobs done a couple of days ago and now i am back in class with my new tits. stupid! he flirts with me- but is too pussy to ask me out- just offers sex- just wants a lay-yeah, like that's my goal in life- to have sex all the time with people i don't even care about- woohoo- boy, oh boy am i lucky to get that kind of attention- especially from an idiot like him- GRANTED, he's cool cause i get to go to some of his classes for free but that's because he wants to watch my boobs and ass while i play- hey, you take what you can get, right?