Pinkydj In My Head...

Live in New York. Play lots of tennis. Rollerblade in my apartment as well as everywhere else.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The New Me.

I have been trying to make major changes in my life as I am now approaching the ripe old age of 30! I believe that I am too small (and immature) to be that old, but alas, I must face the end of a decade of hard work, smooth skin, and baby chub (in my 20's? Yeah, let me be dillusional about that one) to a newfound confidence and new prospects. But I have done it. I have made the move to QUIT SMOKING.
I went up to Boston to a man nicknamed the "Mad Russian". He's renowned for helping people quit smoking among other addictions. So, he was my last chance. He was great. So intelligent. He told me I was gorgeous in front of the whole group. Freaking genius.
I'm suffering right now. I am somewhat bored and decided that eating the world's nut reserve was a good idea. I'm not hungry. The beast is not calling. I am doing exactly what I shouldn't be doing, eating, but I'm just eating nuts instead of cheetos. That sounds so dirty.

Other than that... I met the "friend's" delusional friend and co-worker, D. I spent the weekend with the "friend", which actually helped my cravings, but didn't help the fact that I was stuck in a car with two computer geeks. After listening to them bitching about work, and sitting in the car, reading my book and being the good, patient, sweet girl that I am, waiting for them to get their rocks off at a computer fair (I know, I know) I imagined them at work...

I picture those two computer nerds, sitting at their desks, typing away, when my "friend" receives a message from me saying that I had written about him in my blog. They take a break from their jobs copying this file into that folder, ciphertexting, decrypting, discussing Tom Clancy video games, whatever it is that computer geeks do and read my blog. "Friend" laughs, thinking he's the shit, thinking that he twisted me out to the point of my falling in love with him, while D, after reading the post, before I gave "friend" permission to send it to D, agrees with him, then comments on my blog. I swear I can just hear the two laughing like Beavis and Butthead all the while. And "friend" walking around with his dick in his hand.

I believe that guys think that you are in love with them if you enjoy hanging out with them (most of the time- he knows what I mean) and if you write about them. Well I guess that since I write about her and her and them, and enjoy hanging out with all of them, then I must be in love with EVERYONE.

Please. I most certainly am not in love with my "friend". I know most of you are surprised since it doesn't take much for that to happen, but hey, I'm changing. And he won't get that if he doesn't. Change that is. And he should count himself super lucky that he even gets to see me NAKED!


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