S C A R Y...
I've cheated death twice in the last month. Both times rollerblading. I was hit by a car last month and was this "___" close to being hit by another two days ago. Yes, I was left shaken and people around freaked more than I had- The Brain thinks that I love that kind of attention & people caring and all... Um... Not from strangers. So, I flat out asked her if she thought that I had done it on purpose. And she said that she no longer blames the drivers. Typical Brain. Always my fault. But these incidences don't scare me. The fact that I am getting one of my wisdom teeth extracted today DOES...
I have to get it done and I am shitting my pants about it. I hate when sharp things are put into my mouth- other things don't bother me so much (I meant food and toothbrushes, people) But needles... No. Then they will have to cut the gum and I will just have to close my eyes and dream of things that do make me happy, like a tighter, smoother ass. B L I S S.
So, after the tooth is removed will that make me any less wiser? Was I ever wise in the first place? I wish that I could say that I was but right now? I just don't know...